Backing Up Workflow

The following Workflow data should be backed up: Workflow databases, configuration files, and custom activities.

Backing up MS SQL databases

We recommend that you perform backups of the complete database used by Workflow on a regular basis. The Workflow Server has a database that contains important information (e.g., workflows, starting rules, workflow history).

Backing up configuration files

The Workflow Server and Subscriber each have a configuration file that should both be backed up. Doing so will save you from having to configure certain Workflow settings again during a recovery.

Note: The Workflow Server and Subscriber may be on the same machine, in which case both files are in the same folder.

Tip: In most cases, Workflow’s installation directory will be C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Workflow 9

Backing up the Workflow volume

The Workflow volume is the folder in which Workflow stores its data. All files in this folder should be backed up.

Backing up custom activities

If you have added custom activities to Workflow, all files in the following folder should be backed up: